Austin Weird Homes Tour 2014

Ahh the good ol' homes tour. People love nothing more than being able to pry into the secret lives of others and see how they live. There are modern home tours, traditional home tours, but one group has been sadly left out, until now. The weirdos. 

The 2014 Austin Weird Homes Tour will give you a chance to sneak a peek into some of Austin's weirder homes, from dumpster homes to container homes to homes made of earthbags (whatever that is). Ohh, and you'll be giving to charity too, because 20% of all ticket sales goes to Caritas, and that's not weird at all. 

Austin Weird Homes Tour 2014

Sat Sept 13th from 10am-6pm

VIP party is the night before at Urban Betty Salon from 8pm-11pm

Purchase tickets here

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